Rainbow Snippets – Comes a Horseman

I’ve joined the Rainbow Snippets group on FB, so figured as they post Sundays I’ll swap my Five Sentence Sunday over to this. As I’ve always posted from a WIP on the first Sunday of the month I’ll continue with that, and post from other stuff on the other Sundays.

This six sentences is from one of my current WIPs, Comes a Horseman which is book 3 of my WWII Echoes Rising series.

“If you need me to, I’ll stay.”

“I won’t be long,” Michel repeated. “I promise.” He turned back to his father and switched languages. Kristopher recognised a couple of swear words, before he slipped from the room. Both men’s voices were rising, and he’d never heard Michel this angry before.

About Anne Barwell

Anne Barwell lives in Wellington, New Zealand. She shares her home with a cat with “tortitude” who is convinced that the house is run to suit her; this is an ongoing “discussion,” and to date, it appears as though Kaylee may be winning. In 2008, Anne completed her conjoint BA in English Literature and Music/Bachelor of Teaching. She has worked as a music teacher, a primary school teacher, and now works in a library. She is a member of the Upper Hutt Science Fiction Club and plays violin for Hutt Valley Orchestra. She is an avid reader across a wide range of genres and a watcher of far too many TV series and movies, although it can be argued that there is no such thing as “too many.” These, of course, are best enjoyed with a decent cup of tea and further the continuing argument that the concept of “spare time” is really just a myth. She also hosts and reviews for other authors, and writes monthly blog posts for Love Bytes. She is the co-founder of the New Zealand Rainbow Romance writers, and a member of RWNZ. Anne’s books have received honorable mentions five times, reached the finals four times—one of which was for best gay book—and been a runner up in the Rainbow Awards. She has also been nominated twice in the Goodreads M/M Romance Reader’s Choice Awards—once for Best Fantasy and once for Best Historical. Anne can be found at https://annebarwell.wordpress.com
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20 Responses to Rainbow Snippets – Comes a Horseman

  1. I’m itching to know what preceded this snippet! Very interesting. 🙂


  2. Jana Denardo says:

    Interesting, Now I want to know what they’re arguing about.


    • annebarwell says:

      Thanks. I thought it was about time we got more of Michel’s background so we finally meet his family in this story.


  3. Oooh… what got him so angry?

    Welcome to Rainbow Snippets 🙂


    • annebarwell says:

      You’ll have to read the book and find out 😉 Thanks! Now wondering why I didn’t post sooner, been lurking up to now.


  4. Alexa Milne says:

    I wonder what they were arguing about.


  5. Louise Lyons says:

    I’m curious to know why Michel is so angry. Nice snippet.


  6. It’s a very intriguing snippet! I’ll admit, whenever I see this title, I find myself thinking of the show ‘Highlander’, Methos/Duncan, and the thousand slashfics, which were launched by this episode! 🙂 I’m interested to see how your title is going to interweave with your story, along with the GLBT direction it’ll take! 🙂


    • annebarwell says:

      I must admit to being a huge Highlander fan, and I loved that two parter story. The title does work for this story on several levels, and there are a couple of GLBT couples in it, Michel and Kristopher being one of them. Glad you enjoyed the snippet!


  7. amyraenbow says:

    Intriguing, especially with the language switching to add to the mystery.


  8. I wonder what he’s so angry about. Very interesting snippet.


  9. P.T. Wyant says:

    Welcome to Rainbow Snippets!

    Love the snippet. (Why is it that swear words are always the first ones recognized? LOL) Definitely want to know more about the argument — does it involve Kristopher?


    • annebarwell says:

      Thanks! I figure if people slip into their own language it’s often for swear words….and ditto when you learn a new one. And yes, the argument does involve Kristopher…


  10. Very intriguing snippet!


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