Teaser Tuesday – 21/5/24 – Postscript

My #teasertuesday this week is from Postscript.

#paranormal #psychicpowers #bookshop #smalltownromance #newzealandromance #mmromance #sweetwithheat #mystery #vampire #werewolf #supernatural #dualtimeline #thesleeplesscitysharedworld #PNR #KU #kindleunlimited #seriesstarter

He hated his ability. What use was getting glimpses of the past? History was dead and gone, and nothing he could do would help someone who had already experienced it. He looked around, trying to get his bearings.

“Where am I?” he asked aloud.

Grass stretched for several metres ahead, the path and trellis behind him. Squinting, he made out another exit in the distance and the glow of the lights from the pub. Either he could go back the way he’d come or traipse over an expanse of lawn and whatever else he couldn’t see in the dark.

One pat of his jeans pocket confirmed he’d left his phone at the B&B, so he couldn’t use the torch app to find his way.

He stood and brushed wet grass off his jeans. The carved wooden seat under the street light looked similar to the one outside the Post Office. A copper plate drew his attention, and he bent to read the inscription.

Anthony Harwin. Forever Loved. Gone, but not forgotten.

About Anne Barwell

Anne Barwell lives in Wellington, New Zealand. She shares her home with a cat with “tortitude” who is convinced that the house is run to suit her; this is an ongoing “discussion,” and to date, it appears as though Kaylee may be winning. In 2008, Anne completed her conjoint BA in English Literature and Music/Bachelor of Teaching. She has worked as a music teacher, a primary school teacher, and now works in a library. She is a member of the Upper Hutt Science Fiction Club and plays violin for Hutt Valley Orchestra. She is an avid reader across a wide range of genres and a watcher of far too many TV series and movies, although it can be argued that there is no such thing as “too many.” These, of course, are best enjoyed with a decent cup of tea and further the continuing argument that the concept of “spare time” is really just a myth. She also hosts and reviews for other authors, and writes monthly blog posts for Love Bytes. She is the co-founder of the New Zealand Rainbow Romance writers, and a member of RWNZ. Anne’s books have received honorable mentions five times, reached the finals four times—one of which was for best gay book—and been a runner up in the Rainbow Awards. She has also been nominated twice in the Goodreads M/M Romance Reader’s Choice Awards—once for Best Fantasy and once for Best Historical. Anne can be found at https://annebarwell.wordpress.com
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